Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Odd night.

Something just was not right tonight. Meagan slept with mom, and Dad slept on the blowup mattress in the den, with Josh on the couch. I slept on the floor beside dad. He and Josh got up at about 11:15 and headed to the local GameStop to pick up their new copy of Halo 3 that went on sale at midnight.

Josh and Dad stood in line with about a hundred others to get their copy. They were back to the hose by 12:30 and started playing the game. They played till about 3, then to Josh's dismay, Dad shut down the 360 and He and Josh went back to sleep. They woke back up at about 8:00 and continued to play Halo till it was time to break for lunch.

Mom now has the TV, so Josh has to find something else to do, and I can get some sleep with out all of the gun and laser fire.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

13 years ago.

13 years ago this weekend, a young couple in love recited their wedding vows and formalized their love in front of many family members and friends. It was a special event, even if I had not blessed them with my furry love. I however make up for not being there by blessing their every day now.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Beautiful weekend

It was a beautiful weekend. Mom, dad and the biped puppies hit it early Saturday. The first thing dad did was to get rid of a snake for a neighbor. After the dispatching Mom and Dad started planting over 120 bulbs along the main driveway. It was a good stretch of work, but when the come up in the spring it should be very pretty.

They even let me stay out in the front yard with them, they did however have me on a runner that was tied off to the water hose. Like they don't trust me or something.

Sunday they spent the day at Granny and Grandpa's house, so I had the day to my self and caught up on some sleep from the hard day before.

Josh has earned the xbox 360 back, after loosing it because of a lie he told dad. Just in time with the launch of Halo 3 next week. I hope he keeps up the good work, because I don't want to hear the crying that will take place if he looses it and does not get to play Halo 3 at launch.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Busy.... busy.... busy!

It has been a while, but I have been a busy dog. The human next door, is having a lot of work done in her front yard, and her summer house across the street. There has been over a week of backhoes working from early morning to about nine or ten at night.

Dad can't understand why I still have a voice, as I have been doing my part with the the other dogs in the neighborhood shouting k-9 obscenities at the workers. However he has had enough of my outside and back inside demands.

A quick note on the biped puppies. They are doing good in school, enjoying the learning and the friends. However Josh has lost the 360 on weekdays because he did not tell Mom and Dad about a test, Dad had been asking about!