Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Not a "P" in School.

It sounds like at least one biped puppy did not have a good day at school today. It seems that while coming in from outside play, Josh thought it would be funny to hold his water bottle at his waste and pretend to pee. I wonder if he hiked his leg… anyway… Needless to say he got caught.

Josh, having never been sent to the principles office in his four years at the school, was punished. It started with a phone call to his mother, something that Josh begged them not to do. They did call mom it seems the penalty for his outrageous offence was a spanking by the vice principle.

While dad feels this action should not go unpunished, Dad was not happy about the punishment fitting the crime. He seemed to think that a more logical approach like reading a book about appropriate conduct and/or writing a paper about what is socially acceptable would have been more appropriate.

I think they could have just rubbed his nose in it.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Pond Update

Dad has been trying to work on the pond some the last few weeks. His two lotus plants from last year are up, and one even has three buds on it. His three new lotus plants are also up and just now starting to put on the leaves that stay above the surface of the water. Dad also picked up two new butterfly koi.

Dad has found two new residents around the pond. Two small lizards have taken up residence on and around the porch. Dad has been working with them, and has even be able to get close enough to take some good pictures.

Dad did see an unwanted visitor to the pond. A snake has made an appearance twice. It has killed but not eaten four fish. Thankfully all of them have just been gold fish, and not the new or big koi. Dad is not sure what kind of snake it is as he has not been able to see its head, but at this point, I don’t think dad cares anymore.

Dad is trying several things including snake repellant, even a minnow trap. But he also picked up some “rat shot” for the 22. Just in case he catches it. If you know of any other things he could try, please let me know.