Friday, June 29, 2007

Quick Trip

Dad surprised the family this morning and dragged them out of bed at five in the morning! He told them he had taken the day off and was taking them on a quick hiking trip for the day. Meagan sprung out of bed with “You're the best dad ever” as she hugged his neck. Josh on the other hand yelled “No!” and covered his head with is covers. Dad does not take kindly to the word no, he drug josh out into the hall by his ankles, and then tickled him untill his mood changed. (Kind of dangerous first thing in the morning.)

They went to a new little location at Greers Ferry. It is called Collins Creek, and is located just off the Little Red river. I won't go into details about it, I figure have an opposable thumb so you can click on the link I just gave you.

The kids had a blast. Dad snapped a bunch of pictures of the relaxing water, and they all enjoyed the cool air that was in the valley. More of Dads pictures can be found under on the photo page, by clicking the link there on the right of the frame. They were done by noon, so they changed clothes, got a bite to eat, and were home by 3.

And yes, I did enjoy my quiet day without the biped puppies.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Fathers Day

Fathers day is the only day of the year I wish I had puppies. Maybe they would get me a bone or a steak…. I love steak…. Any howl…

Meagan was up first, and fed me. I love Meagan. Dad was up next and headed out side and mowed the yard. I am sure the neighbors loved him for that, as it was still early in the morning. Josh was up next, and I tried to look hungry so he would feed me again, but it did not work.

After mom got up, they packed up and went over to Dads parents’ house to spend the afternoon with Granny, Grandpa, Jason and his family. They took a couple of pictures of the Dad's together.


Friday, June 15, 2007

Pond Update

Dad has just wrapped up some major work on the pond, and starting to see some of the fruits of his labor. Dad placed some lighting around the edge of the pond and stream, to add some mood lighting for the frogs. Dad also pumped out about half of the water and treated the fish with medicine to stop the dying off of the gold fish. All seems to be well now. I have uploaded a few pictures of the flowers and visitors he has had.

His lotus from last year is huge. Leaves are a good five feet above the water, and flowers are about 10 inches or so in diameter. He has two more lotus plants that have buds, so they should flower in a couple of weeks.

Mom’s flowers are also opening up, and drawing in visitors. Mom and dad welcome the dragon flies due the amount of mosquitoes they eat. Dad has counted as many as 20 around the pond at one time.

I will post with some more pictures later, time for a nap.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The quiet is over.

I knew I was in trouble yesterday, I just did not know exactly why. This morning is was all clear however. The kids awoke bit late this morning, but mom was not doing the usual yelling at them to get ready for school. Then it dawned on me, today is the first day of summer break for the biped puppies.

This means that I am in for three months of putting up with the puppies all day! In the winter I can just go out side and sleep in one of my nice cozy hideaways, but not in the summer! The heat is just too much for this old dog.

Maybe mom will let them play on the 360 and the computer all day, and they will leave me alone. A dog can hope anyway.