Friday, June 15, 2007

Pond Update

Dad has just wrapped up some major work on the pond, and starting to see some of the fruits of his labor. Dad placed some lighting around the edge of the pond and stream, to add some mood lighting for the frogs. Dad also pumped out about half of the water and treated the fish with medicine to stop the dying off of the gold fish. All seems to be well now. I have uploaded a few pictures of the flowers and visitors he has had.

His lotus from last year is huge. Leaves are a good five feet above the water, and flowers are about 10 inches or so in diameter. He has two more lotus plants that have buds, so they should flower in a couple of weeks.

Mom’s flowers are also opening up, and drawing in visitors. Mom and dad welcome the dragon flies due the amount of mosquitoes they eat. Dad has counted as many as 20 around the pond at one time.

I will post with some more pictures later, time for a nap.


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