Spring Work
Dad has been working hard out side over the last few days. Mom, due to her headaches this weekend, was immune to dads forced labor. However he forced the biped puppies out side to help him. He even pushed me out of the door. I did however get to sit on the porch and watch the work.
They were able to shopvac clean out the stream... again. They placed mulch around multiple rose bushes, and all through the newly planted flower bed and around the Lotus pots. They still have some to go, but after it is all said and done, they will have used 30 cubic feet of mulch.
Other tasks that were completed was pepper and herb plants were planted that they will be able to enjoy later this year. They also reworked a section of French drain that was between the stream and the house. Dad also cut the yard, so that meant Josh and Meagan had to pick up toys out of the back.
Yesterday ended with a water fight in the front yard with the water hose between Dad and the puppies. I kept my distance because that is just to close to a bath for me.
All in all a lot work was accomplished dad complained of sore mussels but seemed to work them out last night playing on the xbox.
The lotus's are just now breaking the surface of the water, and frogs and lizards have been seen. Dad will start snapping pictures as things start to green up a bit more.