Sunday, March 30, 2008

First Communion

Today was a big day in our home. Meagan had her First Communion today. The work started yesterday. I had to have a bath, and Mom started work on the massive amounts of food. Then today Mom and Dad's parents, and Mammaw (Mom's Grandmother) came out and went to mass to see Meagan take her First Communion. Then they all came home for some great food and great conversation.

I spent all of my time looking for scraps.

Monday, March 24, 2008


Today Mom and Dad took the biped puppies over to Dads mothers house for Easter. They first went to Mass, then started working on Lunch. Jason and his family came over as well and they enjoyed great food.

After lunch the kids enjoyed their Easter basket and looking for some eggs. Mom started hurting very badly, to the point of tears, so they had to rush home. Had I been there I could have licked her and made her feel better... but I stayed home and watched the house.

More pictures of the Easter trip can be found under the pictures link.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Lets Drive Fast.

Today was the day to celebrate Easter with moms side of the family. However mom had a bad headache today so dad took the biped puppies over. They ate some great food, did an egg hunt, and then rode go karts. I have uploaded some pictures that dad took. You can get to them by clicking on the photos link on the right.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Its a Girl.

I have a new biped cousin this morning. Dads brother and sister in law had their baby girl last night, just before midnight. Mya Danielle was 5 lbs 1 oz and 19 inches long. Mom and Dad have not seen it yet, but reports are that she has a head of black hair. I will post pictures as soon as I get my paws on some. Mom and Dad are going to take the two biped puppies up to see the baby after they get out of school.

They said that I have to stay home, but I am ok with that because they would not let me lick her so whats the point?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

March Storms

From Snow to thunderstorms. Even though I hate thunder, I sat out on the porch with Dad and the biped puppies and watched as a spring thunderstorm rolled just north of the house. Dad went in and got the camera and took some pictures. He caught a bolt. I could have caught one, but dad would not let me off the porch.

Friday, March 07, 2008

March Snow

Got to love the weather changes. Here it is March and yesterday all the weatherman were saying 4-9 inches of snow by the end of today. Well the kids got up this morning all excited... and nothing was on the ground but water.

However the weatherman kept saying the snow was still on its way. However the biped puppies still had to school. Josh was in the shower and I was eating my breakfast when the news finally said their school was closed. However still no snow.

The snow started in the morning and by 3:00 we had about 2" of snow on the ground. Mom and dad took the biped puppies out in the front to build some snow men. Mom and Dad and the kids had a great time. Even went the extra mile and broke out the colored syrup for some extra details.

You can see all the pictures dad took by clicking on the photo link on the right.

Monday, March 03, 2008

A working weekend.

The weather was nice so we spent a lot of time outside this weekend. Dad spent Friday afternoon cleaning up the small stream and getting the area around the pond cleaned up.

Most of the day Saturday was then spent cleaning up the yard. Picking up the pine cones and the sticks, and all the pine needles. The kids enjoyed being outside, as did I. However my sensitive nose does not like the smell of the burning pine needles.

Sunday I slept in with mom who was down with a migraine. Dad and the biped puppies went to mass and Sunday school. Dad and Josh then spent the afternoon helping a neighbor cut up a tree that the wind had knocked over a few days ago.

Storms are rolling through today, it is a good day to catch up on my dog naps.