Thursday, January 31, 2008


It is sleeting and raining today, so I had the time to update moms beaded necklace blog with some pictures of her latest necklaces.

You can find the link on the right column under links.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

First Beads

Well I snapped some pictures while dad was at work of some of his first beads that he made. The pictures are not great as it was hard to hold the camera still with my wee little paws for something so small. Technically not his first beads, as most of them broke when he was trying to get them off of the mandrel. But these are from his second and third attempts. While the beads look large in the photos, most are about 1/2" wide by an inch long max.

He still has a way to go, but he is getting better at it. He has learned how to get the glass beads off the metal mandrels without breaking them. He has also learned to stay further back in the flame so he does not get the glass to hot and discolor it.

I know he will get better at it the more he does it, but he has some beads now that mom can start using in her necklaces if she wishes. If she does I will post some pictures of the finished product on her bead blog.

Friday, January 25, 2008


Well I was thinking... I have been having trouble keeping this blog up to date. I am finding more and more that I am enjoying the fireplace so much that I like to park my furry tail in front of it and take some long naps. So I figured what was the best thing to do to free some time.

Then it came to me...

Start another blog! So I did... in the links to the right, you will find a link to my new blog, where I am going to try to keep up with moms bead work.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Fire and glass

Dad has started playing with fire... again.

This time with glass. He has started making beads for mom to use when she makes beaded necklaces. At this point he is using a MAPP torch to melt glass around a mandrel, then adding colored glass to it and making a design. As you can see from the pic, it is very pretty when it is hot and runny like thick honey.

Lets count the ways dad has played with fire in some way with his hobbies. 1) Firearms, 2) High Power Rocketry, 3) Pyrotechnics, and now Lamp work. I still think I am missing a few others.

Dad is having fun, but so far the beads look a bit rough. However mom has taken some pictures of her work. You can find them by using the photo link on the right.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Not Much You...

Well Mom and Dad sent the biped puppies to Granny and Grandpa's house Friday night. After a nice date night, they got up early and went to go see a live broadcast of an NPR show Whad'Ya Know? They had a blast listening to the jokes, as well as listening to the local guest.

The first guest was Governor Mike BeeBe, who was quick on his feet, a had a great sense of humor, and was able to hold his own against the host Michael Feldman.

The next local guest was the CEO of Heifer International, who did a great job explaining the great work they do in the US and and in so many countries out side of the US.

The next guest is the owner of the great local BBQ the Whole Hog. It was funny watching several members of the band get up and get them selves some BBQ before they were done bringing it out. They counted the base player getting at least seconds... after all it is great BBQ.