Dad, being the eternal child, picked up a fog machine on sale a few weeks ago and decided to try it out. Dad powered it up and let it spray a 60 second burst of fog, that fogged up the entire house. He and the biped puppies could not smell anything, but I could. It was not a bad smell, not even enough to entice me to go outside. I just observed the entire event from my comfortable spot on the couch. The kids had a blast running around the house, playing in it and using laser pointers as light sabers.
After a bit the biped puppies lost interest and went back to watching cartoons on the TV, and dad opened up the house to let the smoke out. I think his action had more to do with mom getting out of the shower, where she had been up to this point. Dad snapped some pictures of the kids watching TV with a little of the fog still left. Remind you of an 80’s movie?
They’re here….
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