Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Flying Trip

Mom and dad returned from a quick trip out of town yesterday, and I do mean quick. They left late Monday afternoon after dad got home and packed up the truck. The biped puppies were dropped off at granny and grandpa’s before hand over lunch. I left at home t guard the house and the back yard from intruders. They drove to Dallas to see a Dr there about Moms headaches. Mom was having a headache yesterday, and that turned out to be a good thing. While talking to mom, he noticed that she was hurting, and started down a path of questions that in the end led to a diagnosis of a type of migraine that he knows how to treat. I don’t remember the name of it, it was a long name with a lot of o’s and u’s in it. The important thing is that they got home late last night and brought me steak from outback as my reward for keeping all the intruders away.


At 3:41 PM, Blogger The Proctors said...

I bet that steak was yummy!

I'm so glad that the doctor was able to find what was causing the migraines for your mom! I pray that the medicine that is prescribed cures her completely!


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