Monday, August 07, 2006

The weekend.

I had a first-rate weekend. Saturday started with mom and dad getting up earlier than usual. They were up by six, scared the mess out of me when they woke me up. They cleaned up the house a bit, so I knew that someone was coming over today. Sure enough granny and grandpa came over at about 7:30 or so to help dad work on the lawnmower. He had struck a rail road spike with the tractor and dented the mowing deck into the blades. The blades made a horrifying noise as they tore through the deck. Grandpa helped dad change out the deck on the tractor, while granny and I kept Mom Company in the nice cool house.

Josh and Meagan walked me out in the front yard a little bit on a leash. It is like they don’t trust me or something. I did see a cat, and just glared at him intently until he went back to the neighbor’s house. The cat did have the audacity to come back and gave me that “I’m better than you because I am not on a leash” look that cats like to give us dogs. Well I took off after him. You should have seen the look on the cats face, he turned and bolted, I could have caught him, but dragging Josh behind me slowed me down. Josh did let go of me so he would not get hurt, but the cat had to much of head start. He ran up a tree, so I marked the tree to let him know I was there. It was about then that dad grabbed me, and everything after that was a blur. I just tune him out anyway.

The best part of the day was dinner. Dad gave me some peanut butter on a cracker because he loves me. However I am starting to think he might have malicious motives. Every time I eat peanut butter, it sticks to the roof of my mouth. I have to curl my lips and work my tongue in and out to lick it off. Dad just rolls with laughter, and the biped puppies also just crying with laughter. Oh well, if that is what it takes to get some of that magnificent peanut butter… it sure beats begging.


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