Family visit
Today Dads side of the family came for a visit. This included his parents and his brother and his brothers’ family. They setup one of those new water slides in the back yard for the two biped puppies, and their cousin to slide down. No water slide for me, but that is ok; I don’t like water, to much like a bath. The puppies had so much fun. Dad also setup a sprinkler on the trampoline and they enjoyed it as well. Check out the pictuer of Ethan, and how high his dad bounced him. It looks like a look of fear, but he had so much fun.

But what really caught my interest was the home made ice-cream. Yum! I sat loyally by dads’ side and flashed my big brown eyes at him. He finally got some on his spoon and held it up and I caught the drips from it… well most of them anyway, a few globs of ice-cream landed in my fur. When I thought no one was looking I stretched up to the patio table and got some licks off of the ice-cream makers paddle. Yummy! I got yelled at but, that stuff is so good!
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