Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Busy July 4th.

It was a very busy July 4th at the house. The dishwasher broke so mom and dad took the other puppies out to eat more often than usual. This is bad news for me, as they never bring home a doggy bag for me. Guess they do not understand the concept of a DOGGY bag. I also rained a bunch yesterday, but this is a mixed blessing for this dog. I did not have as much fireworks noise to scare me, but it also means that people will just continue to fire them off through out the week. I am scared to death of those things.

Mom and Dad took the biped puppies for a day of fun over Kim’s parent’s house on Friday. The puppies had a fun swimming with their grandparents and cousins, but they had the most fun with their uncle broke out the go-carts. Josh is getting big enough to reach the gas pedal by him self, though it took several pillows and a lot of stretching. Much to her dismay Meagan still had to ride with dad, but still had a blast giggling and laughing the entire time. I got to stay home and hide from the fireworks.

Mom and dad were going to have dads parents over last weekend, but due to the dishwasher and granny and grandpa being a bit sick, they decided to postpone till next weekend. Unfortunately I am willing to bet Dad will try to give me a bath this week, so I can be all smelly when they come over. Man I hate baths, I just stand there and glare at dad the entire time. When it is all over, I run, rub, and run and rub just trying to get that soap smell off of me! I hate baths.


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