I hate this time of year...
This is the time of year when all the puppies, and those old dogs that still have some puppy at heart, break out the noise makers. I am as patriotic as the next dog, but those fireworks scare me to death! I spent most of this weekend in the house waiting for one of those loud fireworks to go off, and when they did I would only look up with my big brown eyes to dad, and ensure he is still there protecting me. When I was not inside I spent my time in the shop, coming out only when absolutely necessary... for a bathroom break. The whistle of a firework is like nails on a chalkboard, and the pop of a firework hurts my sensitive k-9 hearing. Or is it just my age showing?

On a quieter note, dads flower bloomed this weekend. He missed the first boom on Friday beacuse of work, but caught its second appearance on Sunday. Maybe now he can spend more time petting me and less time watching the flower!
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