Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Birthdays and Cucumbers

Sorry it has been so long since an update, but it has been just way to hot to do much of anything except sleep in the nice cool house. Mom has been down with a headache for the last few days. I think the stress of her birthday was just to much for her. I can't feel to sorry for her, if you do the math I am in my 70's, and she is still in her lower 30's (for another year anyway).

Mom did treat me today to one of my favorite snacks. I saw her get a cucumber out of the fridge, and I immediately was at her side flashing my brown puppy eyes at her. She peeled it and treated me to the pealing, and I savored every byte. I know it may seem odd to other dogs out there, but I love cucumbers with a passion. Only steak could possibly rank higher on my drool scale.

Well, it is late and I am off to bed, so I can look my best when the biped puppies get up in the morning.


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