Monday, July 17, 2006

Dog Days of Summer.

Heard the term dog days of summer? It is my understanding that the “dog days of summer” come from the ancient Romans who thought that the star Canis Major (Large Dog Star) added heat to the sun because it rose and set in conjunction with the sun during the summer. Every dog knows that summer is due to the tilt of the earth towards the sun, and not because the sun and a star are in alignment, or because the earth is closer to the sun, or any other reason. But regardless of why it’s hot, it is hot, even hotter if you have a fur coat and can’t sweat through your skin.

You know it is going to be a hot day, when the temperature is over 80 degrees by eight o’clock in the morning. Yesterday topped 100 degrees outside, and with the humidity over 80 percent, pushed the heat index closer to 110.

Mom and Dad took the two biped puppies to mass then to a birthday party at a go-kart track in Conway, so it was up to me to sentinel the yard. A duty I sadly abandoned due to the fact that dad turned on the air conditioner in the shop building for me. I spent a good portion of day in the nice cool shop building. I figured that any intruder stupid enough to be moving around in 100+ degree heat, and did not instantly burst into flames deserved not be troubled by me. I will grant them a reprieve till cooler weather prevails.


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