Long Nights...

Dad and Josh have continued to play every penny out of the new version of Halo. They have finished the game on normal and went back through it on the next harder setting of Heroic. While going through the game on Heroic they found the skulls that were hidden in the game. Now they are going back through with some of the skulls turned on, trying to get some of the point achievements.
Then to top it all off… Dad has also been playing on line with some friends trying to complete the game on Legendary (The hardest setting). So what does all this mean for those of us not infected with the flood? This means mom got to spend a lot of time reading, and Meagan playing her DS. Mom is cool with it so far because dad has been very conscience to still spend time with the family. However that might come to abrupt end if dad’s halo dreams continue and cause him to melee her in the middle of the night.
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